Course: EPO - New modular EQE | epi-learning

  • General

    EPO  |  Mock Papers F and M1

    • As a registered user of, you can directly post questions and comments. 

      If you are not registered, you can log in with the generic user name "new_eqe" and the password "Paper_F_2025". In this case, be aware that your name will not be automatically displayed - so you may want to indicate it in your post. 

  • Instructions: Clicking on the section name will show / hide the section.

  • A MOCK paper of foundation paper F is available for testing and preparation purposes on the EPO website since 17 October 2024. Further information can be found in the letter of the EQE Board.

  • A MOCK paper M1 in English language is now available for testing and preparation purposes (see annex of the letter from the EQE Board). Versions in German and French will be made available shortly.

  • We would like to have your feedback on the topic of electronic exam format.

    • As a registered user of, you can directly post questions and comments. 

      If you are not registered, you can log in with the generic user name "new_eqe" and the password "Paper_F_2025". In this case, be aware that your name will not be automatically displayed - so you may want to indicate it in your post.