Section: Electronic exam format | EPO - New modular EQE | epi-learning

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    EPO  |  Mock Papers F and M1

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      If you are not registered, you can log in with the generic user name "new_eqe" and the password "Paper_F_2025". In this case, be aware that your name will not be automatically displayed - so you may want to indicate it in your post. 

Electronic exam format

  • Electronic exam format

    We would like to have your feedback on the topic of electronic exam format.

    • As a registered user of, you can directly post questions and comments. 

      If you are not registered, you can log in with the generic user name "new_eqe" and the password "Paper_F_2025". In this case, be aware that your name will not be automatically displayed - so you may want to indicate it in your post.